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ED 102: Technology: Classroom Applications and Portfolio Development: One Search


Do you know one thing that Google DOES NOT search? 

Our McFarland Library databases!  Why not?  Because that is proprietary information--that means we paid for it, so they can't crawl it for free.  You, as students, have access to this great source of information.

One Search

One Search is McFarland Library's version of Google! 

One Search does just what it sounds like:  it searches both the online catalog (basically, books) and all the databases (A-Z list of Databases) simultaneously.  This works well because:   

  • it will find articles in databases you may not have tried searching individually
  • it allows you to search one time in one place instead of one time for each database
  • it gives you both online catalog findings and article findings in one try. 

Try it!