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Interlibrary Loan: F. What is the loan period?


SMSU Interlibrary Loan
Library Main Floor

McKenna Hinrichs, Library Technician

Loan Periods

Lending libraries determine loan periods. 

  • most libraries lend books for 3-4 weeks
  • films, CDs, and other media are usually lent for a shorter period of time

You'll see the due date on the label attached to the material you borrow, or you can check your account.


How to Renew

Requests for renewals should be initiated 3-5 days prior to the due date.

  • Click on My Account and enter your StarID and password.
  • Look for the "Renew" button next to the item you'd like to renew. Click on "Renew."
  • If you have any problems with this process, please contact ILL Staff.
  • Check back to find if your renewal was granted or denied by the lending library.  If granted, you will see the new due date.  If denied, please return the item promptly. 


Contact ILL

Office hours: weekdays 9:30am-6:00pm

507-537-6158 (McKenna)
507-537-6788 (Thomas)


SMSU McFarland Library-Interlibrary Loan
Southwest Minnesota State University
1501 State St.
Marshall, MN 56258