Yes, you most certainly can (and are encouraged to) access books to support your research!
Does it take a little more planning and a bit more work on your part? Yep, it sure does. It will typically take us longer to get a book to you than it will articles, but books provide a different type of resource to support your research and should not be overlooked.
You would be responsible for getting the book back to us, of course. (See the Have Books & Articles Sent to You tab for more info!)
Searching OneSearch will bring back all types of resources such as articles, journals, books, electronic books, videos, and government documents.
After conducting your search, use the filters on the left to narrow to specific resource types, locations, etc.
Electronic books (eBooks) will display in OneSearch results or you can search the eBook collection on its own. The majority of SMSU's eBooks are in the EBSCO eBook collection. You can find a link to the eBook collection on the A-Z Database List or use this link: