Use this Cornell Law School website to locate the state where your crime took place.
1) From the list of states on the Cornell site, select the one that matches the location of the crime in the article you've chosen.
2) Under Constitution and Legislation, select the link to the Statutes for your state.
3) Each state statute website is set up differently, so take note of ways you have of searching the statutes. Options for finding your crime in the statutes include:
Below are some examples of Minnesota legal citations. You can use the examples shown below as a template!
Note: In some instances, two citation formats are listed: 1) Legislative: as cited by the Minnesota Revisor of Statutes or on the Minnesota Legislative website; 2) Legal court citation: as cited in legal citation manuals. Legislative hearing cite formats are taken from a citation manual (tapes) and the William Mitchell Law Review (web archive).
Constitution: Minn. Const. art. IV, sec. 8
Statutes: Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123.45, subdivision 6 ; MINN. STAT. 123.45 (2008) ; MINN. STAT. ANN. 123.45 (2008)
Session Laws: Laws of Minnesota 2007, chapter 150, article 8, section 3 ; Laws of Minnesota 2007, 1st Spec. Sess. chapter 2, article 3, section 3 ; 2007 Minn. Laws xxx (note: xxx is a page #)
Minnesota Rules: Minnesota Rules, part 1234.0100, subpart 5, item A ; MINN. R. 1234.0100 (2007)
House and Senate Journals: Minn. Sen. J., 85th Leg., Reg. Sess. xxx (2008) (note: xxx is a page #) ; Minn. H.J., 85th Leg., Reg. Sess. xxx (2008) (note: xxx is a page #)