This database includes full text coverage of 150+ major U.S. newspapers. Search this database to find newspaper articles about the criminal charge you have chosen to research.
Here are the steps to finding an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune online in the McFarland Library database Newsstream:
- Go to the McFarland Library homepage (
- Click on the tab for A-Z database list, then click the dropdown and choose 'Newsstream: US News Sources'
- Click the Publications tab
- Type in Star Tribune
- You will get a list of five publications--click the one with the thumbnail that looks like a flag
- Browse through the list by the most current date to find an article that tells you that someone got charged with a crime. Read the article to make sure someone was charged (and with what!) OR
- You can 'search within this publication'--you type in the type of crime you are looking for: for example, burglary.
- Use an article that was published in the last 6 months. The crime can have occurred earlier.