This LibGuide was created as a resource for the
ENG251-Writing in Professions class.
Use the tabs across the top of the page to move between
tips and recommended resources.
Several sections of ENG251 are taught each year. The tools in this guide are general resources that may assist you with assignments in the course. You must rely most heavily on the information provided by your course instructor, as each instructor may have different requirements for assignments.
This course is driven by your individual career choices and topics within those professions. A resource that works for one student may not work well for another, so please ask for guidance if you need it.
This course builds upon skills developed in ENG 151 - including research, critical writing, information literacy, and argument/persuasion - while introducing students to the genres of writing most applicable to their desired majors and professional careers. Students will learn what it means to be part of the workforce of the 21st century while developing the practical writing skills necessary beyond their undergraduate studies.
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