You can choose to narrow to full-text only in most databases; this means only those articles that are full-text in that database will be displayed. However, you'll want to keep in mind that we have our databases "Linked" so that if an article isn't full-text in the databases you're searching, but is in another we subscribe to, you'll be able to link to it. You'll see the Journal Linker icon or "Search for full-text" when you have the option to look in another database for the full-text. It doesn't always find it in another database (or in our print collection), but it only takes a few seconds to search and see.
If it's not found full-text in another database, you can always request a copy via Interlibrary Loan.
As you use the databses, you'll begin to see similarites between them. They might use different terminology, have links in different locations, or be displayed in different orders, but typically they work the same way. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the tools and layout of the database search and results screens.
Different journals are indexed in different databases, so it's important to try more than one database when you're researching. I recommend searching in at least 3 databases.
Take advantage of all of the facets (ways to narrow/limit your results) that are provided in most of the databases. Many times you'll get thousands of results when you do your first search, but you can use the facets to narrow and target those results. Options include narrowing by date, format, additional subjects (highly recommended), content type (i.e., scholarly journal, magazine, etc.), and more. Use them!