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Management Program: Databases

Where to Start

The Management-focused databases listed in the next column are recommended starting points for your research. They are not the only options, though, so if you're not finding what you need, explore the complete list of databases in the A-Z Database List or ask a Librarian!

What's in a Database?

Databases contain many different types of resources such as:

  • newspaper articles
  • magazine articles
  • scholarly journal articles
  • book reviews
  • conference proceedings
  • trade publications
  • even some books

It is important to be able to tell the differences between these resources as well as know which resources are appropriate for your research. Check out the table on the Good vs. Bad Sources tab to learn the differences between some of these resources.

Recommended Databases

Google Scholar

We know students are often more comfortable searching on the web vs. using the databases. And it is an option, but know that you are not getting as wide a range of articles when you do that. It has to do with paywalls - we pay for access to that databases and that is where the bulk of academic literature is housed - and that can't be accessed through search tools such as Google. 

However, Google Scholar ( is a search tool you can use to find academic articles. Scholar indexes scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, but note that many are not available full-text.  That's why we recommend beginning your search in the databases; you'll find many more full-text articles there and/or be able to quickly and easily submit an Interlibrary Loan Request.  Adding the LibKey Nomad extension to your browser will help you find full-text articles SMSU has access to as well, but the number of results will still be greater in the library databases. 

So knowing that the article might be full-text in the database or you could interlibrary loan a copy, you'd never purchase an article, right? 


Google Scholar Search