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Faculty Information: Request Interlibrary Loan

Contact ILL

Office hours: weekdays 9:30am-6:00pm

507-537-6158 (Liz Fladhammer)
507-537-6788 (Thomas Flynn)


SMSU McFarland Library-Interlibrary Loan
Southwest Minnesota State University
1501 State St.
Marshall, MN 56258

ILL Technician


Liz Fladhammer
BA 299A

Scope: What services are provided?

Interlibrary loan requests can be placed for items that are

  • not available in SMSU Library collections OR
  • owned by SMSU but checked out or missing.

If you're requesting something that is owned by SMSU but is not available, please write this in the "notes" field of your request.

For more information, please see the SMSU Interlibrary Loan webpage.

Requesting copies of articles or book chapters

The FASTEST way to obtain an article via Interlibrary Loan:

Use an individual database and Get Full Text...

1. Use an individual database to search for articles through a Research Guide or the A-Z List of Databases.
2. When you find a citation for an article you want, look for a link to html or PDF full text. If you don't see either of those, click Get Full Text. A pop-up window should then appear. Make sure you have pop-ups enabled on your browser.
3.  If you can access the article electronically, you will see a link that says "Go to Article."
4.  If there is no electronic access and SMSU doesn't own the journal, follow the link that says "Request a copy via Interlibrary Loan" to log in to SMSU Interlibrary Loan. Use your StarID and password.
6.  A completed form for the article you are requesting will appear. Click "Submit."

If an article is available electronically, you will be notified via your SMSU email. The subject line will read "Your Interlibrary Loan Material." This email will include a link to the website the article is posted to, along with login information necessary to retrieve the article. You will be able to view the article 5 times or for 7 days after the email notification, whichever comes first.  

Otherwise, you will receive an automated email arrival  notification letter stating that the item you requested is ready for you to pick up at the SMSU Library Circulation Desk.*

*If your Library record indicates that you are a "document delivery" patron, the article will be sent to you via U.S. postal mail.

Requesting books and other physical items

The FASTEST way to obtain a book, film, or CD via SMSU Interlibrary Loan:
Use the library catalog and Request!

1.  Search the SMSU Library Catalog (OneSearch).
2.  If you don't find your book, use the dropdown menu beneath the search box to extend your search to "All Libraries."
3.  Click the title. Under "How to Get It," click on the link to log in using your StarID username and password.
4.  Once you've logged in, click "Request from another library."
5.  A filled-in form will pop up.  Check the box acknowledging the Copyright Statement, then click "Send Request" and your request is sent!

You will receive an automated email notification letter stating that the item you requested is ready for you to pick up at the SMSU Library Circulation Desk.

You may also request books via the MnLink library catalog using your SMSU barcode and password.